Wednesday, May 25, 2011


There is plethora of so called dream pop bands in the last couple of years, you cannot really differentiate them, they all sound the same. However, one of them is so beautiful. I discovered Soundpool on Last Fm, they a dream pop band based in New York but releasing their albums in Japan. The critics often apply the adjective 'shoegaze' band when describing them. I always wondered what the term shoegaze means - it is a sub-genre of alternative rock typified by significant use of guitar effects and indistinguishable vocals that blend into a melody. The term was brought up by NME and Melody Maker, the members of the bands stood relatively still gazing at their shoes :)

Let's switch back to Soundpool. When in bumped into the song Span the Universe on Last Fm, I knew this band is going to leave a trace in me. Although their lyrics are not really deep and serious, they focus on abstract ideas like space, air, water, moon, stars, sun, universe and glorifying those. Nothing mind blowing, but so irresistible and dreamy.

Moonglow is an ode to a summer night, Ladytron and Stereolab in a dream pop version.

Their second album brings more dreamy melodies and nostalgia.
You can notice that they don't pay attention to their visual representation, they focus more on audio.

Last year their third LP Mirrors in Your Eyes came out. Here they touch mild disco influence which fits perfectly to their world of visage and stargaze. The first single is Sparkle in the Dark accompanied with their first strong video.

so my fellow droogs, enjoy stargazing, sungazing, daydreaming and creating with Soundpool, you wont regret it!!

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